Impact of Corona on Ubidata

Dear clients, supplier,


I wanted to give you a short update on the impact of the Corona virus outbreak on Ubidata.


  • The applications and systems run as usual and are not impacted.

  • We have organised homeworking for our people. They have full access to the systems and continue to work.

  • Please send your requests as usual to

  • Deliveries will continue to take place. We might encounter some delays from suppliers. We will keep you posted.

  • We continue to answer phone calls but there might be some delays. If possible, please prefer contacting us by mail rather than the phone. For urgent issues, I am available (see mobile phone below).

  • We might have some delays in dealing with administrative tasks and less urgent requests. Please accept our apologies for that.


Should we be able to help you in a specific way, do not hesitate to call. We will do our best to help you and go through this crisis together!


Take care of yourselves and relatives!


Best regards,


Paul Havelange and the Ubidata Team


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